Backup Job

You can create backup jobs to back up VM instances, volumes, and databases on your local data center to specified local storage servers and sync the backup data to specified remote backup servers or backup servers on the public cloud.

The following describes how to create backup jobs for local VM instances and volumes and the management node database.

Create a Backup Job

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Backup Management > Backup Service > Backup Job. Then the Backup Job page appears. On the page, choose VM/Volume > Create Backup Job. Then the Create Backup Job page appears.

You can create the following two types of backup jobs:
  • Backup jobs for local VM instances and volumes
  • Backup jobs for the management node database

Create Backup Job for Local VM Instance and Volume

Follow these four steps to create a backup job for VM instances and volumes:
  1. Set basic information.
    • Name: Enter a name for the backup job.

      The name must be 1-128 characters in length and can contain Chinese characters, letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), parenthesis (), colons (:), and plus signs (+).

    • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the backup job.
    • Local Backup Server: Specify one or more local backup servers.
      • You can specify up to two local backup servers for a backup job.
      • Before you can specify a local backup server, you need to add the server to ZStack Cloud Private Cloud.
      • If you specify two local backup servers, by default, the first server added to the Cloud is the primary backup server and the second added to the Cloud is the secondary backup server.
      • If you specify two local backup servers, these two servers apply the fail-over mechanism.
        • When the primary backup server works as expected, data is backed up on the primary backup server.
        • If the primary backup server is disabled, removed, or disconnected, data is backed up on the secondary backup server.
        • When the primary backup server resumes working as expected, data backup is auto-switched to the primary backup server.
    • Sync to Remote Backup Server: Choose whether to sync local backup data to a remote backup server. A remote backup server can be a server that is in another data center or a public cloud backup server. By default, the switch is turned off.
      Note: Before you can sync backup data to a remote backup server, you need to add a remote backup server to the Cloud. Note that you can add only one remote backup server to the Cloud.
    • Remote Backup Server: Select a remote backup server if you want to sync data to a remote server.
    • Set QoS: Optional. You can set network QoS and disk QoS for the backup job.
      • Downstream Bandwidth: Set the maximum downstream bandwidth. Unit: Kbps, Mbps, and Gbps. Valid values: 8 Kbps to 30 Gbps. If you do not specify the downstream bandwidth, this bandwidth is unlimited.
      • Upstream Bandwidth: Set the maximum upstream bandwidth. Unit: Kbps, Mbps, and Gbps. Valid values: 8 Kbps to 30 Gbps. If you do not specify the upstream bandwidth, this bandwidth is unlimited.
      • Disk Read Speed: Set the maximum read speed. Unit: MB/s and GB/s. Valid values: 1MB/s to 100GB/s. If you do not specify the disk read speed, this speed is unlimited.
      • Disk Write Speed: Set the maximum write speed. Unit: MB/s and GB/s. Valid values: 1MB/s to 100GB/s. If you do not specify the disk write speed, this speed is unlimited.
      Note: We recommend that you set a QoS based on your physical network environments and the concurrent number of implemented backup jobs.
    Figure 1. Set Basic Information

  2. Select backup resource.

    Select local VM instances or volumes that you need to back up.

    • Backup Resource: Select the type of resource that you need to back up. You can select VM Instance or Volume.
      • If you select VM Instance, set the following parameters:
        • VM Instance: Select one or more VM instances that you need to back up.
          Note: You can only back up VM instances in the running state.
        • Back up Attached Volume: You can back up all volumes that are attached to the selected VM instances. By default, this switch is turned on.
          Note: You cannot back up shared volumes that are attached to a VM instance.
      • If you select Volume, set the following parameter:
        Volume: Select one or more volumes that you need to back up.
        Note: You can only back up volumes that are attached to VM instances in the running state.
    Figure 2. Select Backup Resource

  3. Set backup policy.
    You can create a backup job in one of the following two backup modes:
    • Incremental Backup + Default Full Backup
    • Incremental Backup + Custom Full Backup
    If you select Incremental Backup + Default Full Backup, set the following parameters:
    • Backup Mode: Select Incremental Backup + Default Full Backup.
    • Incremental Backup Policy: Customize an incremental backup policy.
      • Backup Cycle: Select a backup cycle. Options: Backup by Month, Backup by Week, Backup by Day, Backup by Day, and Backup by Minute.

        If you select Backup by Month, Backup by Week, or Backup by Day, you can set the backup execution time and schedule the effective time of the backup job to the accuracy of a second.

        • Execution Time:
          • If you select Backup by Month and set the execution time to 00:00:00 of the first day of each month, the incremental backup job is executed at 00:00:00 of the first day of each month.
            Note: If you set the execution time to the 31th day of each month, the incremental backup job is executed only in the month that has 31 days.
          • If you select Backup by Week and set the execution time to 00:00:00 of Sunday and Tuesday of each week, the incremental backup job is executed at 00:00:00 of Sunday and Tuesday of each week.
          • If you select Backup by Day and set the execution time to 00:30:00, the incremental backup job is executed at 00:30:00 of each day.
        • Schedule Effective Time: Choose whether to schedule the time when the backup job takes effect.

          If you specify data backup by month, week, or day, you can schedule the time when the backup job takes effect. After the backup job takes effect, data backup is executed based on the specified cycle and time.

      If you select Backup by Hour or Backup by Minute, you can set finer-grained incremental backup cycle.
      • Start Time to Implement:
        • If you choose to back up data every 6 hours and set the start time to 2020-12-30 00:00:00, incremental backup is implemented starting from 00:00:00, Dec 30, 2020 at an interval of 6 hours.
        • If you choose to back up data every 30 minutes and the start time to 2020-12-30 00:00:00, incremental backup is implemented starting from 00:00:00, Dec 30, 2020 at an interval of 30 minutes.
        Note: The minimum backup interval is 15 minutes.
    • Backup Retention Policy: Select By Count or By Time:
      • By Count: Set the number of retained data backups of selected resources.
        Note: You can retain a minimum of one backup of selected resources.
      • By Time: Set the retention period of the backup data.
    If you select Incremental Backup + Custom Full Backup, set the following parameters:
    • Backup Mode: Select Incremental Backup + Custom Full Backup.
    • Incremental Backup Policy: Customize an incremental backup policy.
      • Backup Cycle: Select a backup cycle. Options: Backup by Month, Backup by Week, Backup by Day, Backup by Day, and Backup by Minute.

        If you select Backup by Month, Backup by Week, or Backup by Day, you can set the backup execution time and schedule the effective time of the backup job to the accuracy of a second.

        • Execution Time:
          • If you select Backup by Month and set the execution time to 00:00:00 of the first day of each month, the incremental backup job is executed at 00:00:00 of the first day of each month.
            Note: If you set the execution time to the 31th day of each month, the incremental backup job is executed only in the month that has 31 days.
          • If you select Backup by Week and set the execution time to 00:00:00 of Sunday and Tuesday of each week, the incremental backup job is executed at 00:00:00 of Sunday and Tuesday of each week.
          • If you select Backup by Day and set the execution time to 00:30:00, the incremental backup job is executed at 00:30:00 of each day.
        • Schedule Effective Time: Choose whether to schedule the time when the backup job takes effect.

          If you specify data backup by month, week, or day, you can schedule the time when the backup job takes effect. After the backup job takes effect, data backup is executed based on the specified cycle and time.

      If you select Backup by Hour or Backup by Minute, you can set finer-grained incremental backup cycle.
      • Start Time to Implement:
        • If you choose to back up data every 6 hours and set the start time to 2020-12-30 00:00:00, incremental backup is implemented starting from 00:00:00, Dec 30, 2020 at an interval of 6 hours.
        • If you choose to back up data every 30 minutes and the start time to 2020-12-30 00:00:00, incremental backup is implemented starting from 00:00:00, Dec 30, 2020 at an interval of 30 minutes.
        Note: The minimum backup interval is 15 minutes.
    • Full Backup Policy: Customize a full backup policy.
      • Backup Cycle: Select a backup cycle. Options: Backup by Month and Backup by Week.
        • If you select Backup by Month and set the execution time to 00:00:00 of the first day of each month, the full backup job is executed at 00:00:00 of the first day of each month.
          Note: If you set the execution time to the 31th day of each month, the full backup job is executed only in the month that has 31 days.
        • If you select Backup by Week and set the execution time to 00:00:00 of Sunday and Tuesday of each week, the full backup job is executed at 00:00:00 of Sunday and Tuesday of each week.
      • Execution Time: Set the time when the backup job is implemented.
      • Schedule Effective Time: Choose whether to schedule the time when the backup job takes effect.

        You can schedule the time at which the backup job takes effect. After the backup job takes effect, data backup is executed based on the specified cycle and time.

    • Backup Immediately: Choose whether to back up date immediately after the backup job is created. By default, this option is not selected.
    • Local Retention Policy: Set the policy how the local backup data is reserved. The data can be reserved by count or by time (day/week/month).
      • If by count, a minimum of 1 local backup can be reserved.
      • If by time, a minimum of 1 day of local backup can be reserved.
    • Remote Retention Policy: Set the policy how the remote backup data is reserved. The data can be reserved permanently, by count, or by time (day/week/month).
      • If permanently, the remote backup data will not be cleared automatically.
      • If by count, a minimum of 1 remote backup can be reserved.
      • If by time, a minimum of 1 day of remote backup can be reserved.
    Figure 3. Set Backup Policy

  4. Preview.

    Preview the backup job. You can click the Edit icon to modify the job.

    Figure 4. Preview

Create Backup Job for Management Node Database

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Backup Management > Backup Service > Backup Job. Then the Backup Job page appears. On the page, choose Database > Create Backup Job. Then the Create Backup Job page appears.

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the backup job.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the backup job.
  • Backup Resource: The management node database is displayed
  • Local Backup Server: Specify one or more local backup servers.
    • You can specify up to two local backup servers for a backup job.
    • Before you can specify a local backup server, you need to add the server to ZStack Cloud Private Cloud.
    • If you specify two local backup servers, by default, the first server added to the Cloud is the primary backup server and the second added to the Cloud is the secondary backup server.
    • If you specify two local backup servers, these two servers apply the fail-over mechanism.
      • When the primary backup server works as expected, data is backed up on the primary backup server.
      • If the primary backup server is disabled, removed, or disconnected, data is backed up on the secondary backup server.
      • When the primary backup server resumes working as expected, data backup is auto-switched to the primary backup server.
  • Sync to Remote Backup Server: Choose whether to sync local backup data to a remote backup server. A remote backup server can be a server that is in another data center or a public cloud backup server. By default, the switch is turned off.
    Note: Before you can sync backup data to a remote backup server, you need to add a remote backup server to the Cloud. Note that you can add only one remote backup server to the Cloud.
  • Remote Backup Server: Select a remote backup server if you want to sync data to a remote server.
  • Backup Policy: Set the backup policy for the backup job.
    • Backup Cycle: Select a backup cycle. Options: Backup by Week, Backup by Day, and Backup by Hour.
    • Time to Implement/Interval: Set the execution time or interval of the backup job.
      • If you select Backup by Week and set the execution time to 00:00:00 of Sunday and Tuesday of each week, the backup job is executed at 00:00:00 of Sunday and Tuesday of each week.
      • If you select Backup by Day and set the execution time to 00:30:00, the backup job is executed at 00:30:00 of each day.
      • If you select Backup Every 2 Hour, the backup job is implemented at an interval of 2 hours.
  • Data Retention Policy: Specify how the local backup data and remote backup data is reserved.
    • Local Backup Data: Set the retention policy for local backup data. Options: by count and by time (day/week/month).
      • If by count, a minimum of 1 local backup can be reserved.
      • If by time, a minimum of 1 day of local backup can be reserved.
    • Remote Backup Data: Set the retention policy for remote backup data. Options: permanent, by count, and by time (day/week/month).
      • If permanent, the remote backup data will not be cleared automatically.
      • If by count, a minimum of 1 remote backup can be reserved.
      • If by time, a minimum of 1 day of remote backup can be reserved.
Figure 5. Create Backup Job for Management Node Database


  • Incremental Backup + Default Full Backup
  • Incremental Backup + Custom Full Backup
  • Incremental Backup + Default Full Backup:
    • You only need to customize the incremental backup policy.
    • After you set the incremental backup policy, incremental backup is executed based on the policy.
  • Incremental Backup + Custom Full Backup
    • After you set the backup policy, incremental backup and full backup are executed based on the policy.
  • By default, the system implements a full backup when the incremental backup is executed 63 times. You can modify the execution time in Global Setting.
    • By default, the value of incrementalBackup.maxNum is 64. This value indicates that the system implements a full backup when the incremental backup is executed 63 times.
    • You can also use zstack-cli to modify the value:
      [root@localhost ~]# zstack-cli  #Use zstack-cli
      admin>>> LogInByAccount accountName=admin password=password # Log into the system.The default username and password combination is admin/password.
      admin >>>UpdateGlobalConfig category=volumeBackup name=incrementalBackup.maxNum value=10 # Update the maximum times of incremental backup.
          "inventory": {
              "category": "volumeBackup",
              "defaultValue": "64",
              "description": "the maximum numbers of continuous incremental backup",
              "name": "incrementalBackup.maxNum",
              "value": "10"
          "success": true
  • If a full backup and incremental backup are triggered at the same time, the two backups are executed in queue.
  • You can check the incremental backup data and full backup data on the Local Backup Data page. If you have selected Sync to Remote Backup Server, you can check the backup data on the remote backup server.

Manage a Backup Job

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Backup Management > Backup Service > Backup Job. Then the Backup Job page appears.

You can perform the following operations on backup jobs for VM instances and volumes.
Action Description
Edit Backup Job Edit the name and description of a backup job.
Enable Backup Job Enable a backup job.
Disable Backup Job Disable a backup job. If you disable a backup job, data backup will not be implemented for the associated resources. In addition, you cannot create new backup jobs for the resources.
Set Backup Policy Update the backup policy of the backup job. You can edit the backup mode, backup retention policy, incremental backup policy, and full backup policy.
Note: New backup policies do not affect backup jobs that have been triggered.
Set Backup Storage Configure local backup servers and remote backup servers for the backup job.
Execute Now Implementing a backup job right now will generate a new backup in the backup chain.
  • If the backup mode of the backup job is Incremental Backup + Default Full Backup, the manual backup is implemented in the mode the same as the next backup. Full backup is not supported.
  • If the backup mode of the backup job is Incremental Backup + Custom Full Backup, you can choose whether to implement full backup. If you do not choose to implement full backup, the manual backup is implemented in the mode the same as the next backup. Full backup is not supported.
Delete Backup Job Delete a backup job. If you delete a backup job, data backup is terminated for the associated resources. You can create new backup jobs for the resources.
  • If you have already created a backup job for a resource, you cannot create another backup job for the resource.
  • After you delete a backup job for a resource, you can create a new backup job for the resource.
You can perform the following operations on backup jobs for the database.
Action Description
Edit Backup Job Edit the name and description of a backup job.
Enable Backup Job Enable a backup job.
Disable Backup Job Disable a backup job. If you disable a backup job, data backup will not be implemented for the associated resources. In addition, you cannot create new backup jobs for the resources.
Execute Now Implementing a backup job right now will generate a new backup in the backup chain.
Delete Backup Job Delete a backup job. If you delete a backup job, data backup is terminated for the associated resources. You can create new backup jobs for the resources.
  • If you have already created a backup job for a resource, you cannot create another backup job for the resource.
  • After you delete a backup job for a resource, you can create a new backup job for the resource.

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